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  • #10898

    I’m having extra red line around design edges. This is the result, as you can see there is red which doesn’t belong there. These are the settings I’m using when printing:

    Usually the problem is whit dark colours having red edges, one time I got white edges around light blue design. Is there something wrong with my settings?


    Dear kirsir,

    this look like a registry problem. Please go to your printer and enter the menu. Search for the print settings, Reg. Adjust.
    Do this one time and wait for a couple of minutes and do it again. The print should be good now.
    If not, in worst case, you have to replace the image drum which is not working correct.
    To test which image drum is not printing correctly, print a test chart with CMYW rectangels in one line. here you will see exactly which color is jumping. You can also contact OKI service, because you have a 3 years warranty for issues like this.
    The white border you can delete by using a higher underfilling value in the RIP.



    Adjusting registration solved my problem, thank you!

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